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Catalogue d'une Collection Conside Rable de Curiositez de Differens Genres, Dont la Vente Do... by Gersaint, E. F. (Edme-Franc... ISBN: 9781363159956 List Price: $10.95
Catalogue d'une Collection Conside Rable de Curiositez de Differens Genres, Dont la Vente Do... by Gersaint, E. F. (Edme-Franc... ISBN: 9781363159987 List Price: $21.95
Practical Synopsis of Cutaneous Diseases, from the Most Celebrated Authors by Cazenave, Pierre Louis Alph... ISBN: 9781363527564 List Price: $18.95
Notice Sur Laurent-Guillaume de Koninck by DuPont, E. Du Nord ISBN: 9781373950796 List Price: $10.95
Report on the State of the European Union : Is Europe Sustainable? by Laurent, E., Le Cacheux, Ja... ISBN: 9781349497195
Clef de la Case l'Oncle Tom : Contenant les Faits et les Documents Originaux Sur Lerequels l... by Stowe, Harriet Beecher 1811... ISBN: 9781372700187 List Price: $28.95
Clef de la Case l'Oncle Tom : Contenant les Faits et les Documents Originaux Sur Lerequels l... by Stowe, Harriet Beecher 1811... ISBN: 9781372700149 List Price: $18.95
History of Quebec, Its Resources and People; Volume 2 by Sulte, Benjamin 1841-1923, ... ISBN: 9781363071197 List Price: $22.95
History of Quebec, Its Resources and People; Volume 2 by Sulte, Benjamin 1841-1923, ... ISBN: 9781363071227 List Price: $31.95
History of Quebec, Its Resources and People; Volume 1 by Sulte, Benjamin 1841-1923, ... ISBN: 9781363072460 List Price: $21.95
History of Quebec, Its Resources and People; Volume 1 by Sulte, Benjamin 1841-1923, ... ISBN: 9781363072484 List Price: $30.95
Fruitful Economics : Papers in Honor of and by Jean-Paul Fitoussi by Laurent, E., Cacheux, J. Le... ISBN: 9781349497171 List Price: $88.00
Correspondance d'Henri Poincar�: Priv�e et Administrative by Heinzmann, Gerhard, Mazauri... ISBN: 9783764371692
Lettres Sur la Mor�e et les Iles de C�rigo, Hydra et Zante... - Primary Source Edition by Castellan, Antoine Laurent ISBN: 9781293867433 List Price: $21.75
Lettres Sur la Mor�e et les Iles de C�rigo, Hydra et Zante... - Primary Source Edition by Castellan, Antoine Laurent ISBN: 9781294569312 List Price: $21.75
Cryptogames Vasculaires du Br�sil : Mat�riaux Pour une Flore G�n�rale de Ce Pays, Volume 2... - by Antoine Laurent Apollinaire... ISBN: 9781293483855 List Price: $24.75
The nine books of the History of Herodotus, translated from the text of ... T. Gaisford. Wit... by Herodotus, Peter Edmund Lau... ISBN: 9781297013508 List Price: $39.75
L'Esprit Au Theatre by Emile Laurent, Laurent-E ISBN: 9782012738157 List Price: $25.95
Laurent Et Jerome Ou Les Deux Jeunes Poetes (6e Ed.) by Just Jean Etienne Roy, Roy-... ISBN: 9782012171381 List Price: $17.95
L'Indemnite Legislative En France Et A L'Etranger (French Edition) by Laurent-E ISBN: 9782011792419 List Price: $12.95
Nine Books of the History of Herodotus, Vol. 1 Of 2 : Translated from the Text of Thomas Gai... by Laurent, Peter Edmund ISBN: 9780282293703 List Price: $16.57
Cours d'Analyse de l'Ecole Polytechnique. REV. et Corr. Par E. Prouhet, et Augm. de la Theor... by Sturm, Charles 1803-1855, L... ISBN: 9781361600405 List Price: $22.95
Cours d'Analyse de l'Ecole Polytechnique. REV. et Corr. Par E. Prouhet, et Augm. de la Theor... by Sturm, Charles 1803-1855, L... ISBN: 9781361600450 List Price: $31.95
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